Start Staking $ZIZY

Deposit $ZIZY to and start staking... Staking period is 30 days. All rewards are distributed in Phase 5.

☞ #Phase 1⎜Awaiting New Contributors

ZIZY will not take allocation snapshots for competitions during the first 5 days of the 30-day staking period, as it awaits new contributors. However, ZIZY may take snapshots for "Free Airdrops," which will be delivered to all $ZIZY stakers throughout the first 5 days. So, keep staking and don't miss out on free airdrops.

#Phase 2⎜Allocation Snapshots

At the beginning of the 5th day of the 30-day staking period, ZIZY will begin taking allocation snapshots to determine the number of tickets a staker may purchase for each competition separately. The more $ZIZY staked, the more tickets stakers may purchase.

#Phase 3⎜Time to Buy Tickets

ZIZY stakers will be able to purchase tickets at the beginning of the 15th day of their 30-day staking period. The maximum number of tickets that a staker may purchase is proportional to the number of $ZIZY staked at the time of the snapshot.

Remember: #ZIZYSTAKEREWARDS, #ZIZYSELECT and #ZIZYEXPLORE snapshots can be taken in this phase as well.

#Phase 4⎜Winners Snapshots

ZIZY will start taking snapshots of staked amounts on the 20th day of every 30-day period to identify winning tickets for competitions. Since there are thousands of unique winning tickets for each contest, ZIZY will take thousands of snapshots during this process.

Please mind that #ZIZYSTAKEREWARDS, #ZIZYSELECT and #ZIZYEXPLORE snapshots can be taken in this phase as well.

#Phase 5⎜Claim Rewards

All ZIZZERs can claim their rewards in Phase 5.

Last updated